Thread: 0.6.4 DR1 bugs
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Old 09-28-2006, 07:14 AM
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Smith Falls, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 283

Originally Posted by Ibix
Post Necromancy (reviving the dead):

Bringing it back from the dead. My friends and I are about to go through the process of putting up a 7.0 server for us to play with, but I was curious about the status of the Monk/FD as well as the soothe/lull line problems. I searched the forums and didn't really find any notes on it other than this thread which hasn't been responded to in about 7-8 months.

Any thoughts? If the coders are a bit busy, as I imagine they are, do any of you that play on the PEQ server know, does FD seem to be working? Do lull spells actually seem to stick to/lull mobs?

Thanks in advance for the responses.
FD seems to be working in the latest build, I can no FD and split pull, so I would say its working. The lull I am not sure on.

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