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Old 12-16-2006, 07:41 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 110

oh on a side note you definitely cannot 2-box with this script...

when a player logs in their account it automatically changes all other account rows with their ip address to use the ip of

this was done to prevent crashes on the server side from having multiple accounts active using the same IP

but this also provides for a nifty little feature... your GM's can have one login/password for their GM account and another login/password for their regular account. then they can use this tool to swap between accounts to go play as a normal player with 0 access flags to GM commands since it will erase their IP from whichever account they did not log in from.

Also for long term use, players can actually create more than just one account worth of characters on the server. So we arent limiting them to selecting just some of the classes. they can make an account, fill it up with toons, and come back to make a new account, then fill that one up as well :p

Last edited by Aerewen; 12-16-2006 at 03:44 PM..
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