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Old 08-04-2007, 06:03 AM
John Adams
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,552

Originally Posted by CrabClaw View Post
It can log into character select but get unhandled opcodes when I try to log in and/or try to create a new character.
What I have been trying (and sometimes it even works!) is if I get an unhandled OpCode in a particular function (like OP_AdventureRequest for a recent example), I would open my patch_Titanium.conf file, find that OP entry, and change the 0x0000 to what my zone log showed was invalid. In this case, 0x43fd. Now, magically, when I click the Request Advenure button in the client I no longer get invalid opcodes and the server/client respond properly. This only works, of course, if there is code to handle the OpCode in question (I believe...) so if it's some completely new functionality, yeah it won't work.

Not sure where they got the opcodes for Anniversary Edition already, unless it is a mere copy of another one and they plan to change it as things show up invalid? But you might start there, CC... Find this "OP_CharacterCreate=" in your patch_Anniversary.conf (currently appears to be 0x0000 or "off"), change the code to matche what is being thrown in your logs as invalid.

I could be totally talking out my ass, and I am sure there are TONS more to compatibility than this, but it's something you can play with in the meantime to keep you out of trouble. If I had AE, I would help troubleshoot it. I'd love to start using a new client.
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