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Old 01-23-2008, 03:06 AM
cavedude's Avatar
The PEQ Dude
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Hmmm this was merged into the official code and it is working very nicely. Such a small but extremely nice change. However, certain NPCs will no longer say anything, specifically all of the Necromancer merchants in Paineel. 'Linnleu_Brackmar Necromancer Supplies' is one example. I don't think the lastname is used, but even if it is as you can see it is still under 64 characters in length.

Now, oddly in the same area the guildmasters all do work. 'Coriante_Verisue Necromancer Guildmaster' as example does use her proper text.

I went through other cities, and had no problem with their merchants and they all had a nice clean name

Not a big deal, as most don't even look at the text anyway I'm sure, and since it probably is a minority of NPCs anyway who really cares. I was just letting you know about it in case you can stumble upon the problem.
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