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Old 04-25-2008, 09:05 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: THE ATL (wut wut)
Posts: 325

Well, if you want to get into the nuts and bolts of it, there are two types of unsolicited (client originating) zone requests: With or Without providing a destination zone to the server.

If the client specifies the target zone, then the zone server will check to make sure that a zone point exists for the requested zone, within the current zone, within a reasonable distance of the player's location. If it does, then the player's zone request will be processed. If there is no zone point for the requested zone within the specified zone, or the zone point is not within a reasonable distance, then the request will be cancelled, and the player will trigger the /MQZone detector.

If the client does not specify the target zone (this is the case with zone points built into many of the zone files), then it will basically just tell the server "Hey, I need to zone". The server will look for the closest zone point to the player's location, if it's within an acceptable distance, then the player's request will be processed for the zone that comes up. If not, then the request will be cancelled, and the player will trigger the /MQZone detector.

That's why it's so important to get x, y, z populated for your zone_points table.

So, to answer your question, if you're standing in east commons beside the nektulos forest zone line, and send through a /zone nexus, then you will trigger the detector.


Former ServerOp - Vallon Zek / Tallon Zek Emu Server - Legit / Guild PvP - (2007 - 2011 RIP)

Last edited by TheLieka; 04-25-2008 at 05:08 PM..
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