Thread: 0.5.x DB needed
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Old 05-05-2008, 07:40 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: America
Posts: 173
Default 0.5.x DB needed

I am hunting for a 0.5.x spawned db for a private server, my reason for wanting this is simple i wish to use my own private loginserver (non-minilogin) and that is the only one i have in which i have a client that connects as well as the emu server so i need 0.5.3 or so. This is not to "break away" from the emu community this is because due to recent happenings i am less then comfortable having my server on the main loginserver that someone could take down if they decide to up and quit call me paranoid but i dont like having all my eggs in one basket.

Please only post viable, respectfull, tactfull replies that are good suggestions to a solution for this problem i have.
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