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Old 07-13-2008, 10:41 AM
AX Classic Developer
Join Date: May 2006
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Posts: 2,049

Thanks - Hopefully, when this is all done, The only players getting looped will be the cheaters.
I'm also making sure the player lands in a proper position after zone (for example, not facing the zone he just came from).

For anyone who has time to help;
If any one is doing this or wants to help, please post here. I started with Kunark (maybe you can work another expansion).
It's a simple process , once you understand what you are doing (I hope I understood!).

I use 'MySql Query Browser'
Here's an example;
The line
 SELECT zone,y,x,z,heading,target_y,target_x,target_z,target_heading,target_zone_id FROM zone_points where zone ='firiona' and target_zone_id ='85'or zone= 'lakeofillomen'and target_zone_id ='84';
will produce this (open in a new window , I can't post HTML here I guess);
what you see is the 'fixed' version of zone_points between FV and IllOmen. before fix, both sets of x, y, z were set to '0'.
Since I isolated the two occasions of zoning between mentioned zones , it's now much easier to change the right coords, and you can see which settings you need, for example;
x,y,z is where you should be in firiona and is the same as target_x, target_y, target_z in lakeofillomen, because that's where you were sent from. Same deal for lakeofillomens zone_points.
After the first query, you can re use the same one, just change 'zone' and 'target_zone_id' for the new query (Keep everything windowed, so you can switch from client to MySql Browser).

Since Kunark has so many zones, I went to EqAtlas, and printed the Zone Connection Map for Kunark, I then wrote in the zone number by each zone name there for reference. Now that I have a chart of all the zones with the connecting zonelines, I can find what I need for the query. Once that zone line is done, I go over the line with a red pen ( so I know it's done).
MySql Query Browser has 'on the fly' edit feature, so you can change the coords you are looking at.
#reloadzps doesn't always work right - so, if you think you got it right, and it still doesn't work, then you need to log out and restart the server.

I just thought I'd post in case anyone wants to help, we can get it done faster, if not I'll get it done, just will take a while.
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