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Old 08-06-2008, 10:10 PM
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The only problem I see with that idea is that if a work-around gets put into the source, there is a high chance that it will become the permanent solution as many don't take the time to go back and do it the right way if it already mostly works correctly. Then you wind up with source code full of work-arounds instead of permanent real fixes. It isn't the worst thing in the world, but it probably makes for somewhat sloppy code that is hard to make sense from when others decide to write more code for it.

It took quite a while before this issue was even looked into. So, if it had a work around, I doubt it will ever be looked into again. It is only a cosmetic issue after-all, so it isn't like it is top priority to get perfect code in for it. Not that we appreciate the cosmetic fixes less than any other type, but they probably aren't the top of most coder's mind when considering what to fix next.

I fully agree that people need credit for their work. But, in this case, I think it is a misunderstanding at best. KLS wrote the code that went into the source, so really Kraeger's name shouldn't be on her code. But, like I said, he definitely should at least get credit for the work he did on getting the issue brought to the table and a good work around to fix it. Even if the note in the change log was something like "(Thanks for Kraeger's work on getting this fix started)" or maybe even (KLS and Kraeger) for some generic credit.

IMO, I am sure that most people who would care about who added to code already are well aware that Kraeger started the work to get this issue resolved and that he has some nice code to resolve it.

I have had one of my code adjustments (even though it was minor) added to the source without even a note about it being added lol. I didn't really care about getting my name in there, but I did make a comment to ask that a note get added for it just so people were aware that it went in.

I am proud to have a pink name for the help I do around here. But, even if I didn't I would still help out just as much. I realize that things sometimes move a little slow around here. I also realize that everything the team does, they do with the best intentions. So, if something gets missed, I know better than to get upset about it. It wasn't intentional. I just stay patient and discuss it or send reminders if needed.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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