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Old 09-17-2008, 03:36 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: FL NC
Posts: 4

Hey Imith,

I just ran into this EQEmu site not to long ago actually 5 days ago. I have spent the last 3 days following all the linux guides in debian, and now finally completing the windows install and my eqemu server is up and running. I really gotta thank everyone who made a guide out there like cavedudes, angeloxs every eq emulator forum on the net.

I have setup lineage2 pr servers, wow pr servers before and was really having a good time following old debian guides looking for the db files, the maps, the sql sources, and reading about how its all put together. I nuked my ubuntu install and went with old debians that were in the guides I found as well following everything to a T.

I played eq for over 6 years and must say this is amazing to have this setup to checkout its like going back in time for me.

Sorry for all the blabbing but now I would love to have a friend or 2 connect to the server to check it out they are on the outside and I am using minilogin. I understand you must use eqemulator login for WAN people to connect. I see in the guides it says to have them leave in there eqhost.txt but who makes the account to let them login? Is it still in my database and just passes it through something?

Would it be possible to just change my login server to a hamachi setup and have him connect from WAN that way? If anyone can just shed alittle light on what the best way to go is to setup outside connections I would be so thankful. I have been reading searching non-stop for the past 3-4 days thats why I ask like this.

Imithi if you want just post back or email me @ I can call you and try to resolve your issue today if you like??
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