Thread: (augrestrict)
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Old 01-20-2009, 08:57 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 1,348

Looks like a bit mask, they're fairly common in EQ structures, you use bitwise or to combine the bit flags and bitwise and for comparison.

Each flag has a value that has a specific orientation in binary
1 00000001
2 00000010
4 00000100
8 00001000
16 00010000
32 00100000
64 01000000
128 10000000

In this situation say you wanted to combine type 8(128) and type 7(64)
10000000 (128) OR
01000000 (64)
11000000 (192)

You'll notice that 64+128 is 192 so you can create your masks easily by just adding the values you want together if you don't have the patience to deal with the binary =p. Course the masks have to be correct or bad things will happen
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