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Old 02-11-2009, 11:47 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: TX
Posts: 105

First thing first. I want to thank you all for all the effort you have put into this project. After reading through the changelog, I see just how much work you have put into this and I appreciate it.

Ok I reviewed the changelog and went through and did all sql updates I saw in the changelog and all that were referenced by the changelog that are on the SVN.

I fixed my perl (got the dll error and used search function )

When I tried to start the server, I get a ton of errors and a message in the log of:
If you got boat loads of errors, make sure you sourced: utils/items-0.6.0-DR2-0.6.1-DR1-convert.sql

I pulled that script from the SVN and ran it. The script itself gave a boatload of errors. Mainly like this:
Unknown column 'unknown021' in 'items'

It looks like it is trying to update the items table from a version other than the one I have. I suspect I may be missing some earlier changes that this script relies on.

Here is the error I got that prompted the mentioning of that SQL script:
[02.11. - 21:25:53] Starting Log: logs/eqemu_error_world_10016.log
[02.11. - 21:25:53] DBLoadItems query 'select source,itemclass,name,lore,idfile,id,weight,norent ,nodrop,size,slots,price,icon,UNK012,UNK013,benefi tflag,tradeskills,cr,dr,pr,mr,fr,astr,asta,aagi,ad ex,acha,aint,awis,hp,mana,ac,deity,skillmodvalue,U NK033,skillmodtype,banedmgrace,banedmgamt,banedmgb ody,magic,casttime_,reqlevel,bardtype,bardvalue,li ght,delay,reclevel,recskill,elemdmgtype,elemdmgamt ,range,damage,color,classes,races,UNK054,maxcharge s,itemtype,material,sellrate,UNK059,casttime,UNK06 1,procrate,combateffects,shielding,stunresist,stri kethrough,extradmgskill,extradmgamt,spellshield,av oidance,accuracy,charmfileid,factionmod1,factionmo d2,factionmod3,factionmod4,factionamt1,factionamt2 ,factionamt3,factionamt4,charmfile,augtype,augslot 1type,augslot1visible,augslot2type,augslot2visible ,augslot3type,augslot3visible,augslot4type,augslot 4visible,augslot5type,augslot5visible,ldontheme,ld onprice,ldonsold,bagtype,bagslots,bagsize,bagwr,bo ok,booktype,filename,banedmgraceamt,augrestrict,lo regroup,pendingloreflag,artifactflag,summonedflag, favor,fvnodrop,endur,dotshielding,attack,regen,man aregen,enduranceregen,haste,damageshield,recastdel ay,recasttype,guildfavor,augdistiller,UNK123,UNK12 4,attuneable,nopet,UNK127,pointtype,potionbelt,pot ionbeltslots,stacksize,notransfer,stackable,UNK134 ,clickeffect,clicktype,clicklevel,clicklevel2,proc effect,proctype,proclevel,proclevel2,worneffect,wo rntype,wornlevel,wornlevel2,focuseffect,focustype, focuslevel,focuslevel2,scrolleffect,scrolltype,scr olllevel,scrolllevel2,updated from items order by id', #1054: Unknown column 'augslot1visible' in 'field list'

This is preventing zone.exe from loading. Also, if this helps, these errors are what happen when a character gets to char select:
[02.11. - 21:26:24] Warning: acctid 1158 has an invalid item_id 30088 in inventory slot 2500
[02.11. - 21:26:24] Warning: acctid 1158 has an invalid item_id 30096 in inventory slot 2501
[02.11. - 21:26:48] Warning: acctid 860 has an invalid item_id 17005 in inventory slot 2500
[02.11. - 21:26:48] Warning: acctid 860 has an invalid item_id 17005 in inventory slot 2501
[02.11. - 21:26:48] Warning: acctid 860 has an invalid item_id 17005 in inventory slot 2500
[02.11. - 21:26:48] Warning: acctid 860 has an invalid item_id 17005 in inventory slot 2501
[02.11. - 21:29:10] Warning: acctid 329 has an invalid item_id 17970 in inventory slot 2500
[02.11. - 21:29:10] Warning: acctid 329 has an invalid item_id 17969 in inventory slot 2501
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