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Old 03-27-2009, 12:22 AM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Ahh, that override for the effect names is really cool. That could let us adjust items using any spells we want and then name the effect anything we want without requiring a custom spell file download. I figured it did something like that, but had never seen an actual example. There are still alot of things about items that need to get coded, but it is always good to know what options we have to possibly add in the future.

BTW, if you are going to look at items for comparing to the structures or packets, you are better-off using 13th floor instead of Alla's. The raw data from 13th floor is ordered in almost the exact order as our structure is, so it is much easier to reference and it helped alot to make sure our structure was as aligned as possible.

Other than augments, the only other thing I would really like to figure out about items is the cooldown stuff. I haven't seen anything that shows me what tells the client how to show the greyed out items ticking down until they aren't greyed out anymore. Recast delays do work properly, but all items with cooldowns in SoF currently always show as grey and never tick down to normal like on live. The weird thing is that I swear Titanium has the same greyed out cooldowns, but something disables them permanently after the first time you build the server, and I don't know what it is. I have heard a few reports and witnessed it myself as well. The first time after building a server from scratch, I saw the cooldown timers grey out items after use and actually tick down until the timer was up and it was ready to be used again. However, the next time restarting the server after that, the items never grey out or tick down ever again. No items do. And others have seen this same thing. I would love to figure out how that is handled for SoF and get it working properly as I think being able to see the cooldown is important, or at least nice to have I also figure that if we can figure it out for SoF, we can fix it in Titanium with the same change really easily.

I will keep messing with those last 8 bytes and see what I can figure out tonight.

Also, in case you didn't know, you can get SoF for $4.99 with free shipping from newegg while they last. Since you said you don't have SoF yet, this is a hard deal to pass up. Sounds like you have enough experience to definitely help out on finishing stuff up. I know your name from somewhere, but I can't recall where. Maybe you submitted code in the past or something? Keep in mind that I am not a coder really, so some technical terms will go over my head. I just look at the stuff and figure it out without knowing what things are actually called lol. I really should start actually reading and training on it, but learning it from examples has worked out fairly well for me so far :P
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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