Thread: Defualt Quests
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Old 05-04-2009, 02:32 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 659

Originally Posted by reddogut View Post
First off, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appriciation to all who work on this project. I spend many hours working on and learning from it.

My question is about the quest files that get downloaded from the SVN. Now I am not complaing here, but they seem to be a mish-mash collection of files.... some of the quest files don't work with or match the default datbase that you download from the SVN (for example the starter note that Halfling Rangers get in the starting_items table doesn't match the quest file for the Ranger Guild Master in Rivervale). Some quest files have detailed #note headers and footers and some don't. Some quest files are highly detailed in general and some are not. Some have author names in them and some don't.

Has anyone ever gone through and edited the defualt quests to closer match the default database? Or has anyone ever gone and written a 'template' that could or should be followed for the default quests availalbe for download (this template could be stickyed in the Quests Q&A forum)?

Is this a project that the developers would approve of? If so, is this a project that anyone would be willing to help with? I would be happy to head it up. We could come up with a default style or template for the quest files. Then install a fresh downloaded copy of the database and quest files and start editing them to match the database and the template style we all agree on. We can test them and make sure they work and then re-upload them to the SVN for future downloads.

Let me know if I am on to something here or if I am just 'on something'. PM me if you want.

Red Dog
I did some work on the Ranger quests from Rivervale, but don't recall doing anything in particular with the ones you mention. Though it has been a little over a year since I've touched them. If you notice problems with them you can PM me too and I'll fix them. Or I'll check over on the peq boards if you want to post details on what is broken over there.
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