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Old 06-23-2009, 01:09 AM
ChaosSlayerZ's Avatar
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Default A HUGE bug with quest::modifynpcstat

I found a tremendous bug.

The quest::modifynpcstat(identifier, value) command when used for HP doesn't seem to hold for long.

For example let say that in DB a test npc had 400 hp.

You used a script in game and run

quest::modifynpcstat("max_hp", 3500);

All is fine- the npc now has 3500 hp...
Now if npc just stands put (or fights in melee)- he will remain this way.

Now gues what- if npc has a LIFETAP type spell casted on him his Hp will REVERT to his DB default!!!

At first I thought the script didn't run right. I re-run everything. and looked at #showstats - the npc had 3500hp.

My NPC started fighting A Spector.- and suddenly as soon as Spector proced Lifetap - my npc took a large drop in his hit points - I did #showstats again, and his MAX hp were reporting only as 400 again - his Db default.

Then i decided to check everything by hand.

I made a new npc. upped his hps. casted a lifetap on him MYSELF- and his EXTRA hp instantly faded!

Then I repeated same process using a level 1 fire nuke for 5 dmg - same thing! BOOM - and all extra hps are gone

Next try: I cast HP buff on him- BOOM - extra hps gone.

next try: casting heal - extra hps GONE!

next try: Armor buff! (no hps) - his curent hps remain at 3500, but his MaxHp become 400 again! (as reported by #showstats)

Now this ONLY happens with hit points. All other modified stats- ac, resist etc- they all hold.

I have tryed upping npc AC, and then casting AC buff on him - the AC seem to hold up, and buff stacked with modified AC

So, Any ideas on this?

PS: running Rev 535 atm
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