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Old 08-20-2009, 08:05 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 21

Originally Posted by Bristlebane[nj] View Post
And this server WILL be kept up, my other servers weren't made to be kept alive I was practicing building and all, but this server I want to be kept alive and running aslong as the players demand it and like it. My other servers had never gotten many players, the server will start out as being hosted from my home computer which I never had any problems with lag and was able to keep it online for a long amount of time, and after some time will be moved to a dedicated server.
But this server will take a while to build, set up. I want to have everything ready before players begin to play.
Cool,I'm glad you plan on keeping this one going.As I have said,I really love the previous stuff you put out,and am excited and will be waiting patiently for it's release.

One more thing,is the new server going to have zones from later expansions like all your past servers?That was my absolute favorite part of your other servers,since you always had awesome new zones and new gear that no other servers had ever.I know there is some sort of hangup on Eqemu atm so that none of the new SoF zones can be spawned,but good god,people could still custom spawn those zones like you have,and like Trevius is doing with Creasent Reach.The way it is right now,I practically vomit everytime I log into the server select screen because I'm so rediculously sick of seeing the same lame old school zones from the same 4 expansions,recycled over and over.Every single server has the same exact zones,and like 90% of the servers are all going out of their way to be so old school EQ,which I hate.My favorite expansions were LDoN and later.I used to just love doing all those DoD missions on live,and camping nameds in Stoneroot and other stuff lol.Yet at the same time,there are like 50 sweet ass new zones,and all the new gear and npc models and I haven't seen anyone do anything with them besides you,Trevius,and The Hidden Forrest(but only for their hub zone).