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Old 01-15-2010, 05:01 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 204

The topic is getting off-topic but..

I suggest you to take a look at:

Check your DB:
1. Each adventure has an adventure_templateID (id field) in the adventure_template table
2. You have to set adventure template entries (IDs) in the adventure_template_entry table and assign one ore more adventure_templateID to each one of them.
3. Assign the adventure template entry (ID) to the adventure recruiter of your choice in the npc_types table (adventure_template_id field)

The specific adventure recruiter will offer all the adventures (adventure_templateIDs) listed in the adventure_template_entry table and detailed/defined in the adventure_template table

So check your DB and make sure all set correctly.

Thats pretty much it.
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