Thread: Bot Dev server
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Old 01-16-2010, 08:20 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 17

I found it, there are two SendPosUpdates active at the same time every cycle when the bot is standing still, one is around line 2430 the other is around line 2403 both in the if(AImovement_timer->Check()) { area.

Those two posupdates are happening constantly causing the jittering, specifically the one at around line 2430 is the cause

I figured it out by setting a Say("line: 2430 Sending pos update."); at each pos update part in the code so the bot would say the refresh and it was spamming the screen constantly

So it's checking if(moved) so somewhere in the same cycle it's setting moved back to be true each time when it shouldn't ? Not sure - dunno why that particular one would keep triggering a pos update, I know it's pretty much required somewhere around there to do a posupdate to stop the ghosting when the guy stop's walking. But is there a better place for the posupdate is there a particular location that makes the stopping moving which the posupdate would be better placed at so it's not doing it every cycle? (which is happening at the sendposupdate around 2443, so n/m that). hrm.
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