Thread: #zone command ?
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:48 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: minnesota
Posts: 45
Default #zone command ?

Good afternoon all,

First - I want to thank everyone who has helped me on this forum. You guys are wonderful.

I am trying to allow #zone command for all players to alleviate the running around and the need for a teleporter. I went into heidi sql and altered the rule set to lvl 1 to use #zone command and it didn't work. I tried lvl 0 and still didn't work. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong ?

Also - regarding random loot - I have a post in georges tools forum that hasen't been responded to. How do you set certain level mobs to drop certain level loot ? I've read all the documentation I can find on this and have tried several times (had to reinstall db to correct multiple times) to try to get this to work. Anyone have experience with this ?

Thanks in advance

Tavian / Menace
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