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Old 02-23-2010, 12:15 AM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Thanks, I added 2HP into the primary types for Berserkers. I haven't really played one, so I wasn't sure if they could use it or not, lol.

Also, I haven't played a bard much, so I was curious if you guys know how bards normally wield their instruments. Do they normally have them in primary or in secondary slot, or either? Currently, I have it setting them in the primary slot and then leaving the secondary slot empty. Does anyone know which hand normally does the different music playing animations? I am thinking it might be the secondary hand that instruments look properly in for the animations. These plugins won't actually effect the music playing animations anyway, but I am just trying to see if I should put the bard instruments in their offhand, instead of setting them in primary and making them punch with them, lol. Seems like it would make more sense to either put a weapon in primary and the instrument in secondary, or to have nothing in primary and the instrument in secondary. I should be able to script it to handle that fairly easily, but looking for some feedback from someone with more bard experience than I :P

I could also add shields as offhand options for Rogues, and maybe Rangers, but I figured 99% of the time, people wouldn't want them to use shields anyway.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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