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Old 12-01-2010, 05:38 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 61
Default Raid Addicts - Still Alive

Hey there everyone, my names Mexi, and I figured I'd take some time to tell people that used to play on KMRA (and perhaps present it to those who never have) that it's still alive and kicking, and new content is still being produced.

For those who've never heard of it and think it'd be cool to play, here's what it is: It's a custom-legit server (Nearly ALL the content is custom, seriously) with well over 5 years of content in it (Probably even more, I've been told 8 ). There's a ton of custom leveling zones (Including a custom tutorial experience), and over 50 zones with raid content in them. There are also quite a few custom LDON missions for players of all levels, and most of the gear you get from killing things is custom as well. The level cap is currently 100 (used to be 87), and there are custom spells made for 88-100 (Although, the entire spells file is custom as well for levels 1-87).

Raid Addicts allows players to box up to 6 characters at any time (MQ2 and other programs that help you box aren't allowed. WinEQ2 is an exception to this), however, you don't need to box at all to get a good experience out of the server. I've soloed my way to 87+ on multiple toons without ever doing any grouping.

On average, we get 14 - 20 players on per night right now (used to be much higher, we'd love to get it there again!), and the community is very helpful. If you're interested in playing, stop by and download the spells file to the right. If you're a new or returning player, there is also a leveling guide in the works (Content for 1-80+ is done right now), located at

Hope to see you there! --Mexi
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