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Old 03-26-2012, 08:19 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 96

Originally Posted by ableard View Post
PuxelEngineer, I did see the zone.renderWholeZone. But when I used that not everything was displayed. I thouhgt it ws unfinished.

If you pull up qey2hh1, run up and look east. You do not see the entire zone, down by the river is not complete, no river, no river bank, there are patches out in the distance that are open. Some of the edge hills are not displayed.
I will check that zone when I am home. In the meantime, I'd like to see your changes to the 0x22 fragmentfunction. Again, the idea isn't to add all of the regions to the PVS. The PVS is super useful as a first pass method of reducing the number of regions to consider for rendering. But if you are just rendering with renderWholeZone, and still see missing regions, chances are there is a bug and I seem to remember a region missing when exploring Sleeper's Tomb and just assuming it was the location for an object or something silimilar. Thank you Ableard.

Post the changes on pastebin or something and send me a link if you would.

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