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Old 08-25-2012, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by cavedude View Post
This needs to be split to another thread, but anyway...

The lack of PEQ updates is my fault alone. Every time I go to do a proper update, something in my life comes up and stops me from doing so. I don't like releasing crap, so when I do a db update, I go over everything so that the upgrade process is as painless for everybody as possible. But, I guess it's time to start doing half assed updates and let everybody figure things out for themselves. Certainly, it would save me time and allow for no excuse for consistent updates.

As for being way behind, that bothers me too, but here is the cold hard truth... It takes a LOT of time AND skill to properly recreate the world, and the biggest problem is a severe lack of data. EQ never had the population WoW has, so we don't have all the data available to us that the WoW emulators do. Packet collects account for less than 5% of the zones' make up. Each zone is riddled with events, quests, and other happenings that you cannot get from collects alone. We can't just pull this data from our asses.

Then there is the fact that at any given time, PEQ has no more than 5 active people working and most times that number is actually much lower. People come and go, come back, go away again, etc. We all have full time jobs and lives, and EQEmu is a part time hobby... for fun. Everything we do is voluntarily released open source, I can't believe people actually would demand more from us than that.

Nobody is stopping anybody from attempting to better the project here. We are open source. But, the people that have the skills to contribute and do are the minority, most people around here either don't have the ability to contribute (and refuse to learn), or only develop for the sake of their own servers and don't share with the public. Anybody in those last two groups have absolutely no right to complain, imho.
I happen to think you guys have done a great job. I came back to EQEmu to relive the Classic and TRILOGY experience, and both of those have been recreated very well. From there I add on custom content to retain that trilogy feel and all has been well. I'm not skilled enough to dig through source code and fix bugs, I'm barely skilled enough to rewrite a few quests, but I figure it out and make it work. I appreciate all the hard work everyone has done developing EQEmu and PEQ so far.
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