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Old 10-06-2012, 12:08 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by GeorgeS View Post
Thanks, these are now in the latest zip.
I like the loot tool, it makes populating loot for zones that don't have any much easier. I did come across one issue when trying to get the loot for the Steppes though. Everything worked until it was getting the loot from allah on line 83 then I get the following:

Runtime error 5
Invalid procedure call or argument.

The application then closes.

I reloaded everything to the point where I get the loot from allah then went down and looked at line 83. It is populated with the following NPC

From Allah: Hemmet, Master Shureshot
NPCTypes: Hemmet,_Master_Shureshot - NPCID 399084

The only difference with this vs others that I see is the comma. Could it be causing a problem?
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