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Old 06-08-2014, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Zaela_S View Post
The cross-section of N64 ROM disassembly enthusiasts and EQEmu developers is probably pretty small ;p

Though for whatever reason that made me think that it would be neat to have a script hooked up to a weapon that sends out WearChange packets for its owner at prescribed times when equipped -- i.e., have the regular particle-less sword most of the time, but have it "ignite" during combat/in certain zones/against powerful foes/what have you by actively swapping the model. (It helps that when the particle model first appears, it takes a sec to pump out its full amount of simultaneous particles, so it really does seem like it's igniting.)

Would probably need a little custom infrastructure to make it consistent (e.g. so someone who zones in later will see the active model rather than the base one). Might need to let items to hook onto player script events as well to keep from polluting player scripts with item script code, if that doesn't already exist. But could do some neat things with that: broken swords that reform themselves, particles that change from blue to red in dire situations, a weapon with "bloodlust" that gets more intense the more you kill in a short period of time, etc. Make a weapon feel a little more "alive" and special. Although it's admittedly not very EQ-like (as far as I know) not having your weapon pumping out particles and looking most impressive when you're strolling through a town or whatever ;p

I'm sure some more interesting things could be thought up to do with custom weapon models~ Maybe someone's already done that with whatever particle/no-particle model pairs already exist, even.
You can achieve this via script and wear change. Would have to cycle through similar models in the "animation"
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