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Old 06-24-2014, 07:27 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,743

Originally Posted by Astal View Post
is there any way to find that out?

Yes there are files in the directory up to base data
This feels like pulling teeth...

Clean everything out of the logs and shared directories.
Run shared_memory
Post all of the filenames and sizes of all the files in the logs and shared directories.

As far as finding out exactly what is failing, the list of files will help since whatever is missing is probably the problem. The information about the size and type of error can be determined by running the code in the debugger with the proper working directory, using something like procmon, or changing the code to log that information.

You can also try generating each file by itself by passing the appropriate command line parameters to shared memory. They are base_data, items, factions, loot, skill_caps, and spells.
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