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Old 08-18-2014, 02:42 PM
Uleat's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

Lerxst posted here..

..about your ip address..though, there were probably enough other issues that it was missed or misunderstood.

For a solo machine, meaning ALL activities occur on the one computer, "" is fine to use.

If you intend to allow any outside connections, you will need to use the address of your NIC card.

It is best to ensure that the computer 'hosting' the server is set to a 'static' address and not a DHCP one, or the host will be on a different address
every time it, or the network, is rebooted.

Even better, if your router allows you to reserve a single IP address for the MAC address of your NIC card, do this and you can leave the assignment
protocol alone.

In changing your config files...

If your database is on the same computer as your server, then leave it set to ""

Otherwise, all settings that reflect "" will need to be changed to that of your NIC's IP address (as lerxst stated, "192.168.x.x")

Your [Login.ini][options] local_network will also need to be updated ("192.168.x.")

For eqhost.txt...

All connecting clients will need to change their host address to the new address..including the one running on the host server.


Instead of trying to fix everything that I just broke, it would probably be a good idea to make backups of the two config files before starting
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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