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Old 04-04-2015, 09:34 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 3

I started here 5 months ago, playing a Monk. I had a great time, explored some old zones, had a very nice feeling of progression, and met some good friends. Now, like all servers, folks come and folks go, so I took a break for a month or so. I started back just after Christmas and started over as an Sk. Once again, I ran into new folks that were leveling at the same pace as me and had a great time getting to the best I could be. I've not left since.

All said, I've really enjoyed the server and now have a Monk, a Shadow Knight, a Cleric, and a Beastlord that I love.

The owner has been nothing but helpful even if he does have somewhat of an odd sense of humor at times

Love to see more folks here. If you're new to the server and need pointers or a little help getting started, look me up.

Chad - Shadow Knight
Percival - Monk
Mark - Cleric
Jason - Beastlord
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