Thread: Out of ideas
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Old 05-22-2015, 01:27 PM
provocating's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 2,175

I pm'd both of you directly about the packet dump.

This is what I have found by trial and error. It has nothing to do with class, race, diety etc. I was incorrect in my assumption it was. It has to do with the naming of the characters and possibly what that does to the size of the packet.

When I add the 5th character if it is 7 characters, the UF client crashes. If I rename it with one less letter with HeidiSQL no crash. Then if I add a letter to any other character on the account it crashes.

So as a theory I did the exact same thing on my GM account. I made 5 dummy characters with the exact same lengths of names each. Instant crash.

How is that for an odd one?

I just tried it on both of my servers, which have a slightly different code base. I also updated my test server with the latest source, same exact thing.
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