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Old 07-29-2015, 05:17 PM
Tabasco's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 270

The 3D navigation is a little clunky. I'm used to it so I can fly through a map without much trouble, but that's 3D in a browser for you. Pointer lock and drag controls really mess with the UI so I decided on pure keyboard and target navigation. I do hope you get some use out of it for other things.

I will mention one other technique that might get you closer to what you want in the absence of true 2D replacement.
Hit the gear icon to open your settings and set the map material to translucent. Once you pick a grid, click one of the Go To arrows on any one of the grid points.
This will have you positioned above the point looking down. From there translate back with S until you are the desired height. You can use A/D + R/F (Or A/D and rotate with Q/E) to move around while maintaining that top-down perspective. With translucent material you will be able to see the path lines through the ground geometry. It's basically a 2D perspective projection at that point.
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