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Old 09-16-2015, 02:10 AM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 297

I found this: (it wasn't hard to find)
#path sconnect [connectid] - Requires target, connects the pathing NPC node id to the provided node id (connectid), but not the other way.
I had only skimmed over the descriptions previous and dismissed this command. The description could be better. Just call it a one-way connection.

This is an excellent command and glad it works.

Some clarification and proper use of a couple commands would be appreciated, the descriptions, well, the descriptions. I've messed around with the two commands below only a small amount and noticed nothing different.

#path qconnect [set] - Requires target, short cut connect, to the previously targeted [set] (?).
#path resort [nodes] - resorts connections/nodes after they have been manually altered.
It looks like the maxnodeid is being set at nodecount - 1 like your code quote says but, that is not the real maxnodeid. I don't know how it is supposed to work but, setting the maxnodeid = nodecount -1 is obviously incorrect if a functional #path remove option exists. Maybe resetting the nodeids is an easier solution than correcting the counting function. I don't know.
I'm not the only one with corrupted .path files from using this command. Can others replicate this issue? I get that the code would probably need to be changed and I don't expect anyone to jump up and do it just because I said so. If I could code it would either be done or in progress but, this is currently my issue. Any insight on this? Please correct me if anything I deduce is incorrect.

While I am not ungrateful that #path exists, the process, as it functions now, seems like a house of cards and jenga combined. A little dramatic maybe but, this issue reduces functionality significantly, for me at least.

I've put most of this project on hold until I'm given some insight on more of this. I'd like to clean up a bunch of zones and knowing whether I need to start over on the zone or not would be helpful.

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