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Old 09-21-2015, 10:02 PM
Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 297

I'm with ya.

I can't code yet but, as mentioned, I can work a database. I am not afraid of mapping data if it's considered largely accurate. Not saying I could map it all in all circumstances or that I am some master at it, silly...

The database is a huge undertaking IF it needs to be changed from scratch (peq). But, for many of us, it's not from scratch. We've all worked on it in one form or another.

I think the biggest hurdle is getting people to loosen their iron grip on their own data. The next hurdle would be agreeing on content. The real classic pros can do this for classic. Any who have played the game can contribute here with all expansions, beautiful! It's not as hard as it seems.

The current code has quite a bit of flexibility through the `rule_values` table. (thank you to all that put their hard work on it and foresight) <--- I cannot stress this one enough

There are a lot of things that could be considered "easy" as far as coding goes. I won't be the judge of that although I know it to be true.

A few things, at least from the get go, would probably need to be accepted by a person like myself with no coding background. Some things are done as good as they can be done for an emu. Unless I bump my head and miraculously become a prodigy coder, I will (have to) accept this. I'm talking about the mechanics, of course.

Everything is there. All the long hard years of DB building and coding is in place. It is this simple; naysayers... I don't have kind words for naysayers. This goes for devil's advocates although, there is sometimes merit in what they state. I'm a devil's advocate.
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