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Old 10-13-2015, 01:29 AM
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 75

Originally Posted by Speedz View Post
The wiki which is player ran and not hosted by the team is here, there is client info in the "Getting started".

Our main server repo is here:

And as far as a Windows server setup, there is no guide yet.
But I created a GUI in C# that has not been widely tested yet.
I run it locally to do code testing and seen no real issues.
It sets up a bare system with the server on Windows 7.
Only hitch is all pre-requisite programs need to be installed with defaults and you need to source in the loginserver sql files from in the source folder.

The GUI source is here:

Eventually I will make a batch file that runs exactly like the linux bash file.
Even tho i am normally not a bash/command prompt kinda person and normally like GUI interaction, I tend to favor the new bash/batch scripts for all this after the mods that have been applied to these scripts. But the GUI should give you a good start.

Edit: EQMacEmu does not connect to EQEmu's Loginserver. It runs on a standalone, but there is an option to connect your world to the TAKP loginserver to list on it's server select as well as take advantage of the security measures implemented through TAKP.
That sounds like it would fit my bill pretty well and get me closer to my goal than eqemu can. So I download the gui and will it tell me which files to move where and what programs to install?
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