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Old 12-14-2015, 05:07 PM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

This is the dump from that query

mysql> SELECT * FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE 'Character:DeathExpLoss%';
| ruleset_id | rule_name                        | rule_value | notes                                                        |
|          2 | Character:DeathExpLossLevel      | 10         | notation                                                     |                                                                     
|          2 | Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier | 3          | Adjust how much exp is lost                                  |                                                                                 
|          2 | Character:DeathExpLossMaxLevel   | 85         | Any level greater than this will no longer lose exp on death |
|          1 | Character:DeathExpLossMaxLevel   | 85         | Any level greater than this will no longer lose exp on death |
|          1 | Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier | 3          | Adjust how much exp is lost                                  |
|          1 | Character:DeathExpLossLevel      | 10         | notation                                                     |
|         10 | Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier | 3          | Adjust how much exp is lost                                  |
|         10 | Character:DeathExpLossMaxLevel   | 255        | Any level greater than this will no longer lose exp on death |
|         10 | Character:DeathExpLossLevel      | 10         | Any level greater than this will lose exp on death           |
|          5 | Character:DeathExpLossLevel      | 10         | notation                                                     |
|          5 | Character:DeathExpLossMaxLevel   | 200        | Any level greater than this will no longer lose exp on death |
|          5 | Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier | 3          | Adjust how much exp is lost                                  |
|          4 | Character:DeathExpLossLevel      | 10         | notation                                                     |
|          4 | Character:DeathExpLossMaxLevel   | 255        | Any level greater than this will no longer lose exp on death |
|          4 | Character:DeathExpLossMultiplier | 3          | Adjust how much exp is lost                                  |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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