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Old 12-31-2015, 02:12 PM
Huppy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,333

Originally Posted by kokey98 View Post
i've grown quite fond of clickies in bags. hard to give up.
Well, sit right back and I'll tell you a tale, a tale of a tiny ship ......(it's more than a 3 hour tour)

I grew quite fond of EQ Live 2004 and don't want to give up. I will admit, I made some bad
decisions when I made this server public, which I have already regretted, because it has
caused some disappointment with some players when I explain the priorities and goals of
the server. I can only apologize for unintentional human error.

This may sound selfish,(because it probably is), but this whole server project, including all
the game mechanics, everything about it, is being done for the way Huppy wants to enjoy
it all when he plays it. (eventually) Haha. I honestly didn't expect ALL the various player
feedback that I have received. Some suggestions, I agreed with, others I didn't but if I made
all the changes/additions to the server that players want me to, in the end, Huppy would
not enjoy the server. But I am definately enjoying everything that goes along with growing in
to all the work involved with developing this server. Since I became disabled, I have nothing
but time on my hands to soak in to this project.
Yes, I could of just simply kept the server private on my lan, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to
post it public now, (instead of later), while I work on it. I have been graced with the great
help of some players letting me know about bugs, etc., which I am very grateful for. So I
DO feel bad, when I have to disappoint those same players in some of their suggestions.

I try to accomodate everyone with as much as I can, without taking away from the goals
of the server. It didn't take long for me to become aware that there is many players out
there, looking for something more, or different from what they have encountered so far in
a server. Although the Lockjaw will be something different, it won't necessarily be within
everyone's preferences. Just as an example, P99 is something different, but as we all
know, it is a Titanium client server set in an era for that kind of server, so it would obviously
not support the rof2 client which has features such as "in bag clickies".

This is where my BIGGEST mistake was made, in wanting to support all clients and still
maintain the goals I have for the server. But I admit, at the time, I didn't have a copy of the
RoF2 client and I didn't know about some of the features that players may very well like.
I realize that the whole concept of having the rof2 client compatible with the eqemu was a
good thing, considering the download was free, so it allowed people who didn't have a client
to get one (legally).
In the future, I would love to work towards making the rof2 client compatible with (this)
server's goals (being bug free), but it's going to be last on the list of priorities, for now.

From the beginning, I have stated "Its a work in progress". How players interpreted that,
may have been a mistake on my part for not fully elaborating on it. I am not perfect.
But here is the best way I can describe the end goals of The Lockjaw server:
OoW was released in 2004 and that will be as far as this server will go when it gets there.
ALL of the game play, game mechanics, etc., everything about the way EQ live was back
when OoW come out, this server will get as close as it can to becoming a carbon copy of
that era. KEEP IN MIND, this has nothing to do with trying to provide a server that has
something different than other servers can, will, or do offer, this is solely based on what
Huppy wants in his own kind of server.
A few years ago, when I first chose the name "Lockjaw", it had a lot to with when I played
on live. One of my favourite zones was the Oasis of Marr and experiences with that named
mob Lockjaw. This was long before OoW came out, but enjoyed the game all the way to
it. Lately, I got to thinking, I should of just named this server for the OoW era.
When I do get it to where I want it, all zones past the OoW expansion will be closed off.
The ONLY custom features will be to simulate player help that one could get on live back
then. (NPC's to give out buffs, bots to group with, etc.) But as for features that were NOT
available on EQ Live back when OoW came out, they will not exist on The Lockjaw.

Yes, people wonder, with my goals, why things are in place right now, like max lvl 85, etc.
My intentions with things like that, again, I apologize for not elaborating on it at the start,
BUT, it was only meant as a novelty for players to monkey around past lvl 70 in zones and
incomplete content that is not supported. I knew that some players would be "zooming"
up to level 70, then looking for something to do, so for now, they have that option. That's
the only reason for it and is not meant to imply anything permanent.
Some players indicate, because of their personal lives, they don't have the time to "grind"
the experience in a live-like game play. I can respect that, but I don't understand it.
Does one wake up and say "I only have one week to play EQ" ? Then they have to quit ?
So then they zoom zoom up to max level in that week and thats it. Thats all they had time
for in playing EQ. Thats how I interpret their implication anyways. It's player preference.
Back when I played on live, there was a period where I only had 2 hours a week total to
play the game. I just did what I could in that 2 hours, and kept going. Years later, I am
still in the game.
Hanging out at Antonica.World