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Old 01-24-2016, 04:35 PM
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Shin Noir
Legendary Member
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 502

Generic howto:

Assuming you are using ruleset 1 (default).

SELECT * from rule_values WHERE ruleset_id = 1 AND (rule_name = "World:ExpansionSettings" OR rule_name = "World:UseClientBasedExpansionSettings");
This should result in 2 records.
World:ExpansionSettings's rule_value should be set to your highest expansion, with a number like: 1=Classic, 2=Kunark, 3=Velious, 4=Luclin, 5=PoP, etc.
World:UseClientBasedExpansionSettings rule_value should be set to false. If you're using a freshly copied PEQ database, this record will likely NOT exist.

If the UseClientBasedExpansionSettings rule does not exist, run this:
INSERT INTO rule_values (ruleset_id, rule_name, `rule_value`) VALUES (1, "World:UseClientBasedExpansionSettings", "false");
If the expansion is set incorrectly, you can run this command, changing the rule_value from 2 (kunark) to the expansion of your choice noted above:
UPDATE rule_values SET rule_value=2 WHERE ruleset_id=1 AND rule_name="World:ExpansionSettings" LIMIT 1;
Once you finish updating these values, run the SELECT on the top again to verify the results are what you want. Restart all your server executables. Profit.

As far as the non-classic class combos: Unsure that has been addressed but a ruleset could be created for this specific option to be toggled, if the client does select a bad combination and tries to create, it could reject at that point. Unsure that's in yet though.

~Shin Noir
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