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Old 06-11-2016, 02:28 PM
Ebein's Avatar
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Michigan
Posts: 6

Originally Posted by morbidpoet View Post
I have the machine connected to the modem( + internal router ) so are you saying I would better off having my home network connected to another router connected to my modem( + internal router )? would that mean my data is counted twice when my ISP reads it as a download and upload? Would this make it so my server shows up in my list?
Your data wouldn't be counted twice, as it should only get counted either from the modem, or based on data sent to/from the IP they have assigned you.

It's not necessarily better but it makes me 'feel' like i'm more secure.

your problem seems to me like its a port forwarding issue.
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