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Old 09-15-2019, 02:03 AM
Huppy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Akkadius View Post
We are considering removing dead preferred servers from the list. This is a harder one because these servers got to preferred for a reason and don't deserve to be unfounded on the standard server list, but would be better to have on some sort of standard list. If the community has input on what we should do on these servers please voice your opinions in thread *constructively*
I would agree, in quoting "these servers got to preferred for a reason". Usually it involved the hard work and effort they put into the server to get there. But as far as the criteria, for actually staying on that list, would that mean they are expected to continue to put that work and effort into it ? There can be many different servers that will easily hold a 20 to 30 (or more) population for 3-6 months, then it can die down (or dry up), but the reasons can vary from server to server. Is it possible that some devs may become too comfortable and relaxed, after they get on that green list, then don't put that work and effort into it anymore ? or has the interest by the player community run it's course for that particular kind of server ? I wouldn't want to be the one judging that, nor would I want to stress myself out trying to get my server on that list. The player community can be unforgiving when it comes to the demand for new content. It wouldn't be easy for a small team of devs, let alone a one man operation. During my years around this project, servers have come and go on that green list, in some of the same ways they do on the standard white list. Also, if a server got promoted tomorrow, and it was "a dead server" 6 months from now, would it be removed ? I assume people would be monitoring that.
Hanging out at Antonica.World
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