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Old 10-02-2019, 01:19 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1,105

Originally Posted by Spike View Post
Why is it that when using a Windows 95/98/ME (Win9x Kernel OS) and trying to join the world on an EQEmu server (EQClassic or TAK Project) the game client immediately disconnects?

Logging in works.
Selecting a character works.
Joining world, immediate disconnect.

Tried on both real hardware and virtual machines.

On Windows 7, 8 and 10 I can join EQClassic and TAKP servers and it works just fine.
Probably because these operating systems don't support current networking protocols and features.

Why on earth would you run on 95/98/ME in the first place? The security vulnerabilities outweigh any reasoning for installing these operating systems.

I doubt anyone is going to consider even figuring out a solution for these 20+ year old operating systems.

I bet 95/98/ME wouldn't even connect to the live servers either.

Windows XP works just fine.
"No, thanks, man. I don't want you fucking up my life, too."

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