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Old 12-22-2020, 05:26 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 12

Yeah, I'm really starting to see that now. I need to be more careful with what I do.

No, just trying to restore my server back to a few days ago because of screwed up code. It's RoF2 to RoF2, nothing weird. It's decided to throw this error at me, so what I've done since posting is redo each table one a time to be sure I have everything replicated exactly as it was, based on the SQL backups I made. The tables I'm working with are:
"Account", "Account_IP", "Account_Rewards", "Character_Activities", "Character_Alternate_Abilities", "Character_Alt_Currency", "Character_Auras", "Character_Bind", "Character_Buffs", "Character_Currency", "Character_Data", "Character_Enabled_Tasks", "Character_Item_Recasts", "Character_Languages", "Character_Memmed_Spells", "Character_Pet_Info", "Character_Skills", "Character_Spells", Tasks, Create_Combinations, Inventory, Event_Logs, and Timers.

This is the second fresh install I've done, but I think I know where I messed up last night when I started working on the restore. I thought I had everything figured out until I ran into the problem of "[World Server] Zone bootup timer expired, bootup failed or too slow." I tried logging as the new character as well as the old, EQ locked up for about two minutes, then started moving again on the character select. I looked at the CLI window and it said "[World Server] Zone bootup timer expired, bootup failed or too slow."

I also found out that I apparently don't have the zone file for misty thicket, which would explain why the Rivervale PoK stone never worked, as just to test I ran a halfling to Misty to see if a new character could cross zone lines. Logged back in and that new halfling couldn't log in, nor could the human that I made, ran to PoK, and logged out. I'm hoping that with this fresh install the problem is solved once and for all. Then I can focus on finding a MistyThicket file for my client.
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