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Old 08-23-2021, 02:23 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: May 2019
Location: Rome italy
Posts: 20
Default Strange question

Hello people. Since I had to do a fresha install, up and running again I noticed that my character or bots don't do much dmg. Warrior bot average of 15. My cleric has gotten lazy to heal and rather takes hits and do nothing. My starnge question: is there like a diagnocstic script or a ptocedure to check if everything is working to more or less it should be?
I know that I am the sharpest tool in the shed. Was in the Deep. Not only it took a looong time to extinguish, but a high cost. Was wandering that something changed when I used a backup that was level 11. Don't know. What action should I take? Been looking, don't know where. Peq. Client? I changed client to Imperium because of the west commons issue. Zone not found. That would be the only thing that is new. But I yhought the PEQ says what goes. Am I missing something? Il use the #kill hoping to equalize the encounter till I may find a solution.

Thank You and Happy Hunting

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