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Old 12-29-2021, 09:05 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2015
Posts: 4
Default update

So, someone suggested I check world - running ./world changes down status to locked (though not set in my eqemu_config.json to be locked), but then I can see the server in the login server list - when I login it shows my characters (and switches status to pending), but if I try to log a character in, it tells me that the zone is not available, and in the ./world output it says:
[World] [Info] Attempting autobootup of [poknowledge] ([202]:[0])
[World] [Info] No zoneserver available to boot up
(this is after I set server_start so 30 zones should be available to boot up).

It was suggested this might be a port issue.
Running on Ubuntu, so tried the ss -ltnp command and found that port 9000 and 9001 are open by user world:
LISTEN 129 128* users:(("world",pid=3809338,fd=14))
LISTEN 129 128* users:(("world",pid=3809338,fd=15))

But I don't see ports 7000-7400, 5998, etc.

It looks like these ports are automatically opened - but not sure using what command, or why the other ones are not.

Any thoughts? Anyone who is running a linux server?
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