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Old 12-12-2022, 02:44 AM
Akkadius's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Kingly_Krab View Post
This forum is dead and I don't plan to sticky any of this or take the time to maintain your many threads. So you're pissing into the wind. Either put it on documentation or it just gets lost and the only one who knows it exists is you and those you send it to.
I don't disagree that these forums are definitely dead. I don't host these forums or have much ability to do much with site itself outside of probably archive most of these forums at this point.

However, this response does come off a bit on the aggressive side needlessly even if it wasn't necessarily intended to do so.

I agree with Kingly that helpful things like this have the best leverage in the docs. I appreciate you putting the effort to put something together though Huppy. The eqemu docs have been incredibly successful since we moved over mkdocs and things like this could be great in the FAQ section in the Play Guide or otherwise.

Huppy you may find the climate in Discord to be a bit more friendly since you left it. I would ask you all to be a bit nicer to each other - there's no reason for it.

I barely look at the forums as it is personally, most of my interaction is on Discord. We have "Forum" like functionality now in Discord that we're experimenting with. I think it might be time to retire most forums here in the near future.

Hopefully we see you in Discord Huppy