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Old 05-03-2023, 12:08 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 1
Default One of the best Emu servers I've ever played on

Being an old school player, I never got past Velious and always went back to TLP Live just to relive the classic era.

I've been looking for an TLP style Emu server for a long time. I do not have the time to do 50 men + raids anymore and really wanted to experience more expansions but at my own pace. I was so happy when I read about this server however it really it hooked me in when I started playing.

Not only was the community amazing and helpful in every way, but they make you feel at home. My buddy Cork and I have been playing on this server for about 2 months now and we cannot get enough. Playing almost every day just to work on AA or Best in Slot gear just so we can try and 6-man Sleeps tomb or Emp in SSRA.

We all have those memories from EverQuest that just stayed with us over the years and I am very happy to share a new one that was made on this server.

Cork and I (Lozz) where down in sleepers tomb about to kill the 4 warders and we had the whole server rooting for us and even offering help. we really wanted to test our self's and our group setup, when we finally killed all 4 Warders just his 3 toons and my 3 toons it was an amazing feeling of accomplishment. One of those old school EQ memories I will never forget and it all happened here on Retribution.

Thank you
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