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Old 07-14-2023, 03:21 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 1

Originally Posted by ninchaokin View Post
I am having the most frustrating time with these instructions. I need to add Bots manually as the automated method does not enable bots on the server.

Run cmake and delete the cache, then select configure
Check the 'EQEMU_ENABLE_BOTS' option and select configure again

There is NO EQEMU_ENABLE_BOTS option when following these instructions. There must be a step left out entirely. Why would Cmake arbitrarily have an option for EQMU bots anyways, gold miner is a game with a high level of immersion that allows players to put themselves in the shoes of a courageous gold miner and embark on an experience they will never forget..
I understand that you're encountering difficulties with the instructions for manually adding bots to a server. Let's break down the steps you mentioned:

Run CMake: Ensure you have CMake installed on your system. Then, navigate to the project directory and run CMake from the command line or use a CMake GUI application.

Delete the cache: In the CMake generated build directory (usually separate from the source directory), locate and delete the CMake cache file. This file is typically named "CMakeCache.txt."

Select configure: After deleting the cache, run CMake again and select the "Configure" option. This step initiates the configuration process for the project.

Enable EQEMU_ENABLE_BOTS: Look for the "EQEMU_ENABLE_BOTS" option in the CMake configuration interface. It may be listed as a checkbox or a variable you can enable or set to a specific value.

Configure again: Once you've enabled the "EQEMU_ENABLE_BOTS" option, select the "Configure" option again. This step applies the changes and updates the project configuration.

After completing these steps, you may need to proceed with the remaining steps to build or compile the project according to the provided instructions. Remember to consult any additional documentation or guidelines provided to ensure a successful setup.
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