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Old 10-26-2023, 10:51 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Washington State
Posts: 4
Default Regarding the animated textures

Hey there HaraminWinterstorm, didn't see anyone responding to this so figured I should at least point out some issues your animated textures might be having. I assume you are using eqgzi or eqgzi-manager to utilize the text file, the text file won't do anything for you otherwise. Also, the shader name in blender doesn't matter so much, the base image texture it points towards is what correlates to the text file.

For example, I have a simple 2 texture animated texture, the shader is named TreasureRoom, the base image texture is, and I use a txt file of treasureroom1.txt. I haven't really had much luck with PNG, so I usually just use DDS for animations. The contents of my txt are as follows:


Saying you have 2 images to use, a delay of 1500 milliseconds between changes, and the 2 file names to use that should be in the folder with your blend. I noticed you have some periods in the image names in your example, I don't know if they make an impact or not, but it would also be something I would change to rule that out as a possible issue.
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