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Old 08-23-2004, 11:40 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Heaven.
Posts: 1,260
Default Re: wow

Originally Posted by wired
Little rude to be a moderator and be acting like such to new users. As I've noticed I see new recent posts are low. Maybe if you changed your attitude user loads would pick back up. I'm looking into redoing the minilogin with a friend who is a bit better than me at programming, but with moderators like you I definately won't be releasing it here.
Im not a moderator....

And I'm sorry if you took that as rude I was just stating the facts to answer all aspects of the question.
namespace retval { template <class T> class ReturnValueGen { private: T x; public: ReturnValueGen() { x = 0; }; T& Generator() { return x; }; }; } int main() { retval::ReturnValueGen<int> retvalue; return retvalue.Generator(); }
C++ is wonderful.
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