Thread: Quest System
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Old 10-15-2004, 08:27 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 166

Originally Posted by sotonin
Instead of this thread make a new one. I want a function that does this. And that and this and that and this. Then somebody might make it, and a developer might put it into source. Or you could share the functions YOU have so greatly boasted you've made and then a developer could add it to the source as a real permanent function.
Yes. There is no need for a new system.

Deimos, you are describing additions or modifications to current functionality -- it has nothing to do with identifier naming. The interpreter already gets about as much mileage as possible, though some of the functions and things should be redone (IMO), it is not the fault of the current interpreter implementation. Rather, those functions (or variables, as the case may be) should be redesigned. I pose the same question as sotonin: If you want something implemented, and are capable of writing it, why not write it and contribute your code?

Since you are an Advanced PERL User, perhaps you could help with the current code some, for instance: hide various info passed during function calls via the perl stack. Or, if you have any ideas beyond changing identifier names, and creating already-existing events, like an actual design spec, please post them.
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