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Old 10-26-2004, 04:40 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 141

I'm actually getting it to work now. What I did was take the code you gave me and just cut and paste the text and cast info into it. I checked over and over, but my pl seems to be the exact same format as the one that I used to start from yours. Not sure why it wasn't working, but the script is starting to work great now. Thanks to all of you who helped me along the way with this issue. I'm sure I'll be posting more here as I have some heavy scripts to build next. Ex: A healer that when a player goes up to he is offered If he would like:
1. Minor Healing (1gp) (NOTE price is not final, just for example)
2. Greater Healing (1pp)
3. Complete Healing. (This is where it gets hard.) (I want it that the script checks the level of the player asking for Complete Healing then muliplies their level against the base fee. So, a Level 24 warrior, wizard, bard, etc... would ask for Complete Healing and the script would say "Complete healing is 5gp base price. 5gp*24lv= 120gp. The NPC would then tell the player that it will require 120gp to completely heal him. The player then has to give the NPC 120gp to get Completely healed. I'm not sure how this part works. Do you just select 120gp and give it to the NPC? Should the NPC just say it will cost 120gp, do you wish to pay? And if the player says "YES" then 120gp is removed from their backpack and they are healed?

There is a lot that is going to have to go into this part. I'm sure I'll be posting questions along the way.

Thanks again to all who have helped me.

John Von Draugr
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