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Old 01-31-2022, 06:03 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Nov 2021
Location: Seattle WA
Posts: 26

I'm having the same issue with EOC 2.0 from Chrome Browser, with popup blocker off

I checked settings and ports in mysql and command line interface:

sudo netstat -plnt

- tcp 0 LOCAL 0 FOREIGN* LISTEN 626/mysqld
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'port';
| Variable_name | Value |
| port | 3306 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)
Create your Database User
To create your database user you will need to run the query below to create your database user:
This will allow connections only from EOC via the specified user below, you shouldn't need to change the password because you are only allowing from the EOC server
CREATE USER 'eoc_database_user'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'eoc_database_password';
GRANT GRANT OPTION ON *.* TO 'eoc_database_user'@'';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'eoc_database_user'@'';
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT user,host FROM mysql.user;
| user | host |
| eoc_database_user |
| <other user> |
| xxxx | localhost

i know my external IP (amazon web services host)

i know my Database name in MariaDB (not peq and i tried that anyway just in case, my db is named differently...)

the 3306 port should be open and ready

i tried username/password combos in case i was misunderstanding but none of my users/pw work

i know im doing something wrong or missing something, maybe its even the browser.. ill post if i find my mistake
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