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Old 01-29-2013, 05:39 PM
c0ncrete's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 719

some people just like the idea of random loot. the initial snippet was to give those people something to play with. technically speaking, most servers don't actually employ randomization, they simply scramble the drops in the database. they're still static that way. the misnomer is a pet peeve of mine.

as for your concerns, i had them as well. i'm working on implementing ways to determine if the encounter was trivial and remove the extra item. i'm also looking into filtering out loot based on the required level of the item. so the npc won't get something outside of its level range.

my objective on my personal server is for there to only be a very small chance of the extra item, which scales up a tiny bit with npc difficulty (starting at level 11), so the extra item won't be something that is a common occurrence to begin with.

finally, i'm considering giving the npcs in these rare instances abnormal abilities, so as to make things more of a challenge, given the extra bounty.

the devil is in the details ...
I muck about @ The Forge.
say(rand 99>49?'try '.('0x'.join '',map{unpack 'H*',chr rand 256}1..2):'incoherent nonsense')while our $Noport=1;
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